A story of wellness and community

Finnish sauna
Saunas are an integral part of the Finnish lifestyle, promoting health, wellness, longevity, community and nature connection. There are 3.3 million saunas for 5.3 million Finns, and Finns have been saunaing for a very long time, first with the sauvu sauna, a smoke sauna.
A typical Finnish sauna is a wooden room or a separate building with wooden benches inside placed on different levels. Temperature of a Finnish sauna is moderately high compared to other saunas in the world and alters between 158 – 212°F. The main practice of the Finnish sauna bathing is throwing water on the rocks to create löyly (steam ) and to add temporary soft heat to the sauna, creating a humidity of 30% to 40%.

Meet Jackie, owner
I've been a sauna enthusiast for the last 13 years, since a group of friends and I built a sauna and held weekly sauna potluck sessions for three years. Saunaing is the most embodied and out of body experience I've ever had.
When I sauna, I feel relaxed, I stretch and breath deeply, I sing with friends, I sit in silence, I chat, I feel present. I can guarantee I'll sleep deeply after sauna!
I am someone who is more likely to put energy into something if others are involved, it's called being in community. I built the Montville and Mobile Saunas with you in mind, and am constantly inspired to create more magic with every interaction I have.